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Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


Jérémy Berthomieu had the following teaching activities:

Jean-Charles Faugère had the following teaching activities:

Ludovic Perret had the following teaching activities amounting to around 220 hours:

Guénaël Renault had the following teaching activities:

Mohab Safey El Din had the following teaching activities:



Jean-Charles Faugère was examiner in the PhD committees of C. Chenavier, V. Neiger, T. Verron and A. Wallet and in the HDR committees of L. Perret and G. Renault.

Alain Jacquemard was examiner in the PhD committee of T.S. Silva.

Emmanuel Prouff was reviewer of the PhD theses of A. Battistello and D. Martin. He was examiner in the PhD committee of A. Battistello, D. Martin and A. Thillard and in the HDR committees of G. Renault.

Mohab Safey El Din was examiner in the PhD committees of T. Verron and A. Wallet and in the HDR committees of L. Perret and G. Renault.